Return on Investments: An indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its assets invested by shareholders and long-term bond holders. Calculated by dividing a company's operating earnings by its long-term debt and shareholders equity. Calculated as: Income from Continuing Operations / (Total Long-Term Debt + Shareholders Equity)
CDT Environmental Technology Investment Holdings Limited (CDTG) Return on Investments data is not available.
Income Statement Financials | |
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Balance Sheet Financials | |
$71.95M |
$1.40M |
$7.31M |
$79.26M |
$41.68M |
$0.08M |
$0.08M |
$41.76M |
$37.50M |
$37.49M |
$37.50M |
10.82M |
Cash Flow Statement Financials | |
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Fundamental Metrics & Ratios | |
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Return on Investments |
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